Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What's in a summer camp?

What should I look for in a SUMMER camp for my child?

So summer is just around the corner and while it can mean time for relaxation and rejuvenation it can also mean anxiety on what to do with your child to keep him/her engaged, happy, and learning.  Camps can be great but also expensive so we all want to make sure that we find the best fit for our child and that it is worth the money we put into it.  Here are just a few considerations that may help you plan and prepare for a summer of fun and learning:

1. Make sure the times fit realisticly with your schedule and any transportation means you have (to and from, pick-up drop off times, can you get everyone out of the house at the times needed without to much stress), and your child's sleep schedule are manageable?

2. What is the population that attends the camp and do they have any experiences working with students of all different learning styles and sensory needs?

3. What is the staff to student ratio? Will there be enough support for your child and his/her unique sensory or learning needs?

4. What types of activities will your child do while at camp? Are they engaging for your child, enjoyable for your child, support learning (and not just ABC's ), and if they are difficult, how is the staff set up to deal with any behaviors that may arise?

5. Given a list of activities and or community outings- are they equipped to deal with sensory needs, do they have sensory sensitive options (going to the movies on a day where the theater will turn down the sound and keep the lights dim), are there readily available supports to use during more sensory sensitive activities?

6. If the child needs a break from the group routine is there an option (place or activity) where they can go safely to de-stress?

7. What is the policy on managing tantrums or difficult behavior?

8. Does the staff have experience with scaffolding and breaking tasks down into smaller steps to promote you child's participation and success at all activities?

9. Knowing that your child works hard all year, is the camp going to promote an opportunity for fun and social interaction?

If you can think of any other questions that were not included in this list...feel free to take the time and share with other parents in our community.

Hope you all have an enjoyable summer filled with learning, relaxation, and most of all fun!

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