Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Surviving the Holiday Season
The holidays are upon us.  Every family has different traditions and enjoys so many varied activities, whether it is the large family gathering, flying across the US or to another country or simply staying up later than usual.  While this is fun for everyone it can also be stressful, especially for our young friends.  Listed are a few simple tips to help the season run a bit more smoothly.
1.     Routine….routine….routine.  Our children thrive on routines, typical meal times, lots of rest with the regular bedtime, special evening stories and time to unwind.  If at all possible, attempt to keep to the rhythm of a typical day – even if the routine events are shorter in the time period – this consistent rhythm helps everyone to maintain an even flow of emotions.
2.    Schedule Review.  Even in the midst of lots of activity, try to carve out a few minutes each morning and review what the day is likely to bring.  Many times, just knowing that Grandma and Uncle Jesse will be staying the night or that the family will be driving to the relatives helps our kids to understand.  Children have a different sense of time and they need to know that there will be a beginning, an event in the middle and an end to it all when they will be able to return to the routine.
3.    Remind Them How to Have a Calm Body.  When we need to take a break, we call our sister, get a cup of coffee or simply zone out while in the midst of it all.  When our kids feel overwhelmed they may forget how to take a break.  Review some of the techniques of breathing or imagining a special place or how to excuse themselves to a drink or find a safe and quiet space.
4.    Allow for Choices.   Allow your child to decide whether to wear the red or blue shirt, offer the choice of riding in mommy’s car or Cousin Jenny’s car.  Everyone needs to feel as if they have some control during this season – remember to “pick your battles” and ask yourself it really makes a difference if everyone is wearing the same shade of green for the family picture.

The holiday season can be stressful but remember that a few proactive steps can help everyone to have a wonderful time.  Happy Holidays!

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