Thursday, November 8, 2012


     The PAWS Parent Academy is a bridge from home to school over the river of positive behavioral interventions and supports.  This self-guided forum allows families to access resources, post questions and answers and to better understand how to increase their child’s social and emotional skills. 

     Each module is designed to address specific topics of interest such as, calming and coping strategies, how to shop without a melt-down and helping your child to make friends.  At the end of each module, a list of ideas, techniques and resources has been provided for the families to use.  

       There are currently a total of four modules with an unending opportunity for Q & A.  Additional surveys will be forthcoming to allow for more topics to be addressed.
  • The academy has been designed for the following purposes:
  • Answers and resources provided based on feedback from the Parent Survey answered in the Spring of 2012
  • Access to additional resources for helping children with complex profiles
  •  Networking throughout the community of CSLC and beyond
  • Sharing opportunities with other parents and professionals genuinely interested in the well-being and ongoing development of your child
  •  Provide a vehicle for change

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